Getting out on a bike while visiting the area is a great way to see and experience the natural beauty that Jackson Hole has to offer. Whether you opt to go on your own, rent and ride, or register for one of the many tours offered here, you will surely enjoy your ride. Take advantage of the local pathways and trail systems. The last few years have seen tremendous growth in our paved pathways system, which now extends into Grand Teton National Park. The mountain biking community has been equally enthralled by the by the amount of new terrain that has added and the much needed improvements in the existing network of trails. There are some amazing downhill trails located on Teton Pass for those looking for a true adrenaline rush.
During the mid to late summer many mountain bike trails meander through meadow after meadow of wildflowers in full bloom, which is a truly amazing sight. With the bike allowing you to cover more ground, you are sure to access areas that would otherwise be missed while visiting this unique place.
Guided Tours
A great way to pair your ride with a knowledgeable local. The guide will be able to provide you with insight on the plants, animals and geology of the valley. There is much to learn about the amazing ecosystem which you are within. Full day, half day and customized tours are available. There are some relatively flat areas which provide dramatic views of the Tetons, if you are worried about exhausting yourself having to ride up and down the mountains. One can easily find some solitude and escape the crowds, by getting a little further out and away from most of the visitors to the valley. Go green and be part of the solution.
Teton Mountain Bike Tours, Hoback Sports
Full Day: Tours depart in the morning and return in the afternoon. Total tour time may vary from 5 to 8 hours. They access a variety of areas depending on the rider ability and tour type desired. Lunch, snacks and water are provided.
Half Day: Tours depart morning and afternoon. Total tour time in about 4 hours. Tours are offered for riders of every ability level. Snacks and water are provided.
Rent and Go On Your Own
If you would like to go out on your own, visit a local bike shop where you can rent a bike and find information on which trail or pathway would suit you best. There are a number of shops located in town and throughout the valley.
Lift Serviced Mountain Biking
Available at both Grand Targhee and Jackson Hole Mountain Resorts. There is also limited access to riding off of Snow King, in the form of guided tours only.
Community Pathways
There is a trail system which now connects most of valley. The Northern most point being the Jenny lake area inside of Grand Teton National Park. From there one can ride South through the park to the Town of Jackson. The path then continues through town then West out to the Teton Science School and Highway 22. The pathway picks up again on the Westbank of the Snake at the Stilson Lot, from there it connects to Teton Village and the Southern Entrance to Grand Teton National Park.
General Information
Pricing for the guided trips range from around $65 for a half day up to $100 or more for full day tours.
On guided tours helmets, snacks and water are provided by the vendor, for full day adventures lunch will be included. Transportation is often provided.