Flights are available on both sides of the Tetons. Get a birds eye view of the area and an upclose and personal view of the magnificent peaks surrounding the valley. If you did not arrive in Jackson by plane, then you may never know the beauty of seeing these peaks from the air.
Wyoming Side
On the Jackson, WY side of the Tetons Fly Jackson Hole offers scenic flights. Flights of varying duration are available. Take advantage of this opportunity. The flight goes over parts of Teton National Park, surrounding wilderness areas and National Forests. This is an opportunity to get some amazing photos of this majestic area while cruising above the valley.
Idaho Side
Unparalled views of the Tetons and “Pierre’s Hole” await. Soaring over the upslope of the Tetons is an amazing experience. The Idaho side of the Tetons is more rural with the valley opening widely to the North. Get a look Idaho’s famous potato fields. A rare treat to float on the world renowned Wyoming wind.
General Information
Pricing starts around $300/person. Verify the cancellation policies for these companies at the time of booking.