There are a number of guides available throughout the area. Jackson is home to many trophy game animals. The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is home to elk, mule deer, pronghorn antelope, bison, bear, big horn sheep and moose. Many outfitters have hunting camps established deep in the wilderness. Much of the hunting is this area is done on horseback. Local guides can be invaluable with their knowledge of how various species move in and around the wilderness in this area.
Mill Iron Ranch, Castagno Outfitters, Swift Creek Outfitters
In recent years a bison hunt has been made available on the National Elk Refuge. In recent years wildlife managers have used this tool in an effort to cull the resident bison herd to a more manageable number. With the growth of the herd they have at times eaten into “winter forage” during the summer months as they roam the refuge. They have also increased competition for resources during the winter months.
The 2012 hunting season will see the introduction of wolf hunting in Wyoming. The recovery effort has worked quite well. Wildlife managers feel that these animals have recovered to the point that they may be hunted.
General Information
Check with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department for information in regards to obtaining a hunting license and the dates that run for the various seasons.