A Historic Evening with Anne Frank’s Stepsister
August 28 | 7pm
Center for the Arts – Center Theater
You are Invited to a Lecture with Eva Schloss
Mrs. Eva Schloss is the childhood friend and step-sister of Anne Frank. Eva is a trustee of the Anne Frank Educational Trust, has published two books, and is the subject of James Still’s play “And then they came for Me: Remembering the World of Anne Frank.” Like her stepsister, Eva went into hiding in Holland, and was betrayed, captured, and sent to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Death Camp. Listen to a first hand account of the discovery and printing of Anne Frank’s famed diary and glean insight into the life and times of EvaSchloss and Anne Frank.
Together with her husband Zvi, Mrs. Schloss currently resides in London, England. She has three children and five grandchildren.
Tickets-Orchestra: $50 | Balcony: $40 | Students: $20 | *Sponsor: $300
*Sponsors are entitled to 2 VIP tickets. A VIP cocktail party with Mrs. Schloss at 6pm. A signed copy of Mrs. Schloss’ book “Eva’s Story” & private viewing of exhibit of paintings completed by Mrs. Schloss’ brother Heinz while he was in hiding from the Nazis.To be a sponsor, call the Center for the Arts box office at (307) 733-4900 and redeem your VIP seats.