January 28th, 2016….1:00 PM – 4:00:00 PM
Refuge winter naturalist will lead a birding excursion onto the National Elk Refuge. They will have binoculars and field guides to share, but guests are encouraged to bring their own supplies if available.
Participants should be appropriately dressed for the outing, which will include frequent stops. Participants will be in and out of the vehicle throughout the duration of the tour. Dress in warm layers. Do not miss out on this adventure.
Truly an opportunity to get out and see portions of the valley many would not have access to. The trip will include travel into areas of the Refuge generally closed to the public. Reservations are required and can be made by calling the naturalist reservation line at (307) 201-5406. Donations to the cause and guide gratuities are highly suggested.
Event Cost: free
Venue: Jackson Hole & Greater Yellowstone Visitor Center in Jackson,WY
Contact: Lori Iverson