Madam Butterfly on AprilĀ 14, 2016……..7PM
The Grand Teton Music Festival in conjunction with the Center for the Arts host a number of performances from the Metroplitan Opera in NY. The Met: Live in HD series has been going for over eight seasons. The season kicks off October 15 with the live transmission of Il Travatore. There will be an Opening Night Reception prior to the broadcast on October 15th sponsored by Rendevous Bistro & Bistro Catering, show up early!
The season concludes on April 14th with Madama Butterfly. The series has gained tremendous popularity and has currently expanded to reach thousands of theaters in countries around the world.
The broadcasts take place at the Center for the Arts in downtown Jackson.
The current season will wrap up in April with Madama Butterfly. The mid-April showing of Madama Butterfly would be a perfect activity to get you out and about deep in the heart of Jackson’s “off-season.”
Tickets are $20/Adults & $12/Students(w/processing fee included).
2015/2016 Schedule
Il Travatore……..October 15, 2015 7:00PM
Otello………..November 12, 2015 7:00PM
Tannhauser…………..December 17, 2015 6:00PM
Les Pecheurs de Peries………Jan 18, 2016 7:00PM
Turandot………….February 11, 2016 7:00PM
Manon Lescaut…………March 15, 2016 7PM
Madama Butterfly…………April 14, 2016 7:00PM