May 18 & 19, 2019
Each Spring the local boy scout troop collects antlers shed by elk each Winter on the National Elk Refuge here in Jackson. After collecting and sorting the shed antlers they hold an auction downtown. A large portion of the proceeds go towards funding operations on the National Elk Refuge. Should you decide to jump into the bidding, the prices are per pound, not per antler bundle.

The town square hosts the “antler auction” by the Boy Scouts and additionally has many collector/vendors with antlers from elk, deer, moose, bison and bighorn sheep horns etc. The antler sheds tend to be quite impressive, especially the large matched sets which can fetch thousands of dollars per pair.

Many trophy racks such as this can be seen and bid on or purchased.
The auction itself is quite a site. The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation generally has a display of trophy specimens. This event draws some fairly large crowds for being so early in the season. More information on Elkfest.
2015 ElkFest Schedule of Events
Saturday, May 19
7am: Antler lots for B.S.A. Elk Antler Auction ready for viewing
7am-1pm: Food Court provided by Jackson Youth Baseball – Breakfast includes sweet potato pancakes, coffee, and bottled water. Lunch includes hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hotdogs, soft drinks, and bottled water.
8am-2pm: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Great Elk Tour – The Premier traveling conservation exhibit with some of the largest bull elk in the world! Sponsored by the National Elk Refuge.
9am-3pm: Private Antler Sale north of the Town Square on Center Street by Rotary Club.
8am-2pm: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Great Elk Tour – The premier traveling conservation exhibit with some of the largest bull elk in the world! Sponsored by the National Elk Refuge.
9am-1pm: Kids’ Corner – Enjoy educational tables and games. Sponsored by Wyoming Game & Fish, Jackson Hole Weed Management, the National Elk Refuge, and the Jackson Hole Historical Society and Museum.
9am: Registration for Boy Scouts of America Antler Auction begins.
9am-9:45am: Free concert by Jackson Hole Community Band.
9am-1pm: ElkFest Gifts – Purchase your exclusive Elk Fest t-shirts and ball caps. The Grand Teton Association sponsors the Elk Fest gift booth. All proceeds will benefit the National Elk Refuge.
9am-1pm: Jackson Hole Historical Society and Museum booth open.
10am-1 pm: World Famous Jackson Hole Boy Scout Elk Antler Auction
Sunday May 20
The World Famous Jackson Hole High Noon Chili Cook-Off
Kicking off at High Noon(when else?): Teams compete to deliver the best tastes of chili in the West! Professional and amateur teams will take pride to serve you up some of the best chili to wind down the ElkFest weekend. $5 entrance fee. Rain or shine, Town Square is the place to be! A refreshing selection of beer and other beverages will also be available to cool tasters’ palates.